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myself, himself, yourself, herself, ourself, ourselves

This article is about myself, himself, yourself, herself, ourself, ourselves — enjoy your reading!

57 sec read
  Ed Good  —  Grammar Tips
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The section on the Parts of Speech has a thorough discussion of “reflexive and intensive pronouns,” that is, the -self words. Click here for the beginning of that discussion.

Many people incorrectly use myself and substitute it for I or me. First, never use myself as the subject of a sentence. Thus, the following is incorrect:

Susan and myself appreciate your hard work on this project.

This should read:

Susan and I appreciate your hard work on this project.

Second, restrict your use of myself to those sentences where the subject and the object are the same. Thus, the following is correct:

When I hurt myself playing football, I thought I would never recover.

Third, you may use myself as an “intensive pronoun” to emphasize that you did it, not someone else. The following is correct:

I completed the project myself.

Fourth, watch out for the temptation to use myself as the object of a preposition. Remember, if someone else populates the sentence, use of the ‑self is usually incorrect. The following is incorrect:

Please send the report to Susanand myself.

This should read:

Please send the report to Susan and me.

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    "myself, himself, yourself, herself, ourself, ourselves." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 1 Jun 2024. <>.

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